amini! - where?

Tanzania is found on the eastern coast of Africa, south of Kenya. Mainland Tanzania is more than twice the size of Germany, the population counts about 62 million people. In 2022, as much as almost 44% of Tanzania’s population was younger than 15 years.


The official language of Tanzania is Swahili, English is quite popular in urban areas though. The country is peaceful, hosting all major religions and more than 120 ethnic groups, and is considered a political stabilizer within the region.


The projects currently supported by amini e.V. are based in and around Arusha, a town with more than half a million inhabitants and therefore one of the biggest towns in the country. Thousands of tourists pass through Arusha annually on their way to the northern safari circuit and / or Mt. Kilimanjaro. As many urban settlements, Arusha is a societal melting pot and an arena of differences – great wealth, bitter poverty and everything in between can be found just next door.


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